
Sapporo Winter Festival

I went for my second trip by myself to Sapporo,Hokkaido. I went there for 4 days 3 night. It was unforgettable trip. Hokkaido is just different compares to other place in Japan. When I arrived Hokkaido area, all I can see from the flight little window was white colour land. Wow,it was really fascinating scenes ever I see. When the flight lower, you can see small pine trees all around the place. It was very cute,like the Christmas cake decoration pines trees. I don`t get to snap picture of that scene,just imagine yourselves. It just wonderful.

Winter in Sapporo equal to winter festival. There were divided to three places. The Oodori Koen, the Susukino Ice Sculptures and the grounds at Community Dome Tsudome.The Sapporo Snow Festival, one of Japan's largest winter events, attracts a growing number of visitors from Japan and abroad every year.Every winter, about two million people come to Sapporo to see the hundreds of beautiful snow statues and ice sculptures .

Another attraction is Otaru.Otaru (小樽市, Otaru-shi) is a city and port in Shiribeshi, northwest of Sapporo. The city faces the Ishikari Bay (石狩湾), and has long served as the main port of the bay. With its many historical buildings, Otaru is a popular tourist destination. The city was an Ainu habitation, and the name “Otaru” is recognised as being of Ainu origin, possibly meaning “River running through the sandy beach”.

Winter light path of Otaru definitely is a romantic experience.The unforgettable path  next to the “canal” surrounded by candle light, will transform your journey in an ecstasy of poesies. And the yuki akari no michi (雪あかりの路)there were a thousand of D.I.Y small ice candles that decorated along the path was a fascinating and unforgettable scenes . They also create some photo session places for couple to take picture. A very romantic and nice place to visit, especially in winter time. Its the "MUST" go destination if you are in Sapporo. I am totally fall in love to Otaru!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

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