

This year autumn is the craziest autumn i ever had. Why? Because the weather drive me crazy.
In japan,when we said about autumn we will thinking of red maple leaf. In Kansai,there are a lot of place we can go for sighseeing red maple leaf a.k.a 紅葉. Last year,I went to Kyoto for kouyou sighseeing. This year I also went to Kyoto but diffrent place which called Arashiyama 嵐山. Main purpose is to ride Arashiyama Sagano Romantic Torokko Train トロッコ電車. I saw the poster in the bus to school everyday. Seem fun,so I think I should it a try. I went there yesterday. The ridding is not as fun as I thought. But the sightseeing is really a 'wow'!! If you wish to have a try...you can search internet for arashiyama sagano torokko romantic train for further infomation.

fake torokko train ^^
took from moving train