
Its Winter!

When winter come, there will be light decoration around. When we saw the beautiful light decoration. We will be thinking of festival,and of course its Christmas season. No matter we celebrate Christmas or not, everyone like Christmas. 
Around this season, in Kobe, there will be light festival `Kobe Luminarie ` which been held since 1995 to commemorate the Great Hanshin Earthquakes. The light were donated by the Italian Government and the installation itself is produced by Valerio Festi. This light up are kept up for 2 weeks and will be turn on for a few hours each evening. This year theme is ‘光の心情’which mean the heart of light and its starting from 2 Dec 2010-13 Dec 2010. 
I been there yesterday evening. On weekend,the light were turned on 1 hr earlier than weekdays. I lined up from the Motomachi station to the main gate of the luminarie for 45 minutes. There were thousands of people lining up to see the light up. So, its not advised to go on weekends.